The world may no longer shudder at the prospect of war between two nuclear superpowers, but proliferation may increase the risk of catastrophe. 世界或许不再为两个超级核大国之间可能发生战争而颤栗,但核扩散可能会增加发生巨大灾难的危险。
No inspectors, no insights into Russia's strategic arsenal, no framework for cooperation between the world's two nuclear superpowers. 没有检查员无法洞察俄罗斯的战略核武库,更无法在世界上两个核超级大国间建立合作框架。
Casually, while Dave is doing an on the spot investigation, a nuclear missile explode, the radiation gave him superpowers. 当他进行调查时,一枚核导弹爆炸,发放的辐射给于他超能力。
Even though the world has lived with the bomb for nearly two generations, the idea of an actual nuclear war between the superpowers or between two other nations for that matter still defies comprehension. 尽管世界上出现核弹已有几乎两代人的时间,但是超级大国之间真的打一场核战争或者在另外两个国家之间发生这种战争这种想法仍然是人们所难以理解的。
It was under the circumstances of the nuclear threat and nuclear blackmail posed by the superpowers that China was forced to carry out the research and development of nuclear weapons. 中国研制和发展核武器,正是在超级大国核威胁和核讹诈的情况下被迫而为的。
More and more crises happened and almost led to nuclear war because two Superpowers struggled for the world hegemony. 由于两个超级大国争夺世界霸权,导致国际危机迭起,几乎把人类社会拖到核战争的边缘。
On the other hand, the disarmament process was struggling, while the nuclear arm race between the two superpowers was increasingly intensified. 另一方面,裁军进程举步维艰,两个超级大国之间的核竞赛愈演愈烈。